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Overman & Parks, CPAs, PA

Hannah Williams Joins Overman & Parks, CPAs, PA

For anyone who has come in our office so far this year, you have already enjoyed the beautiful smiling face of our now full-time administrative assistant. Hannah Williams joined our office in December of 2017 as a part-time employee for extra hands during the busy tax season, and ended up staying on staff all year. She loved us so much; she now works with us full-time.

Hannah was home-schooled for 13 years and was enrolled in Classical Conversations for all 4 years of high school. She graduated from Classical in the spring of 2017.

Hannah has two younger brothers, Matthew and Joshua, Joshua being adopted from China. In the years of having Joshua, he helped grow Hannah’s heart for those in need of love in orphanages. Hannah went with her family in 2012 to get Joshua, and she has gone back twice by herself with different organizations to care for those in need. She was in China for a month in 2018 volunteering at a camp for special needs orphans.

Hannah enjoys many things including sports and photography. She and her friend, Emily Alford, share a blog entitled “SITU blog.” “SITU” stands for “Strength in the Unqualified”. Feel free to go follow them by clicking here.

We are very grateful for all Hannah does to keep our office running smoothly. It has been said and is officially confirmed that “redheads get things done.” We look forward to watching God use Hannah going forward.

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