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Here For You . . . All Year Long!

Overman & Parks, CPAs, PA

Back in the good ole days, all of your important tax information arrived in your mail box in late January or early February. It was easy to have a system of putting all those documents in one safe spot and carrying them off to your tax preparer. Now, a lot of the information needed for your taxes happens throughout the year. The recent stimulus payments and advance child tax credits are a prime example. The exact amount of these payments is necessary in filing an accurate return. Some taxpayers received letters showing the amount of their payments. Some taxpayers did not receive a letter. The easiest way to keep from having to dig back through your bank records or other documents is to upload that information into our secure portal or send it to us in an email during the year as things happen. Even if what you send is simply a screenshot from your online banking portal just we can note the amount for our records.

We are here all year long and it is super easy to begin storing your documents for the next tax year as soon as those items happen. Close on a house, stop by and let us scan the closing documents for your file. Have new baby, feel free to call and give us the name, date of birth and Social Security number as soon as you have it so that the information is ready, when you are ready to file your returns. You don’t have to worry about saving everything to be sent in one package during tax season.

Credit: iStock


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