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We are thankful for the opportunity to offer prayer on behalf of other Christians and for the lost. For you, and for all those requesting prayer, we will humbly ask God to grant your requests according to His will.


Abraham, Moses, David, Samuel, Daniel, and many others in the Old Testament served as mediators, or intercessors, for the people. We also learn in the New Testament that one of the names for Christ Jesus is The Great Intercessor. Because Jesus died on the cross for us, He closed the gap between God and us, allowing all Christians to pray on behalf of others.

It is important to remember that true intercessory prayer foremost seeks to know God’s will and to see it fulfilled. And this means fulfillment regardless of what it costs us. True prayer seeks God’s glory, not our own.

Prayer requests are a personal matter and all requests will be held in the strictest confidence. Your email address is password-protected and, of course, it will not be shared with anyone outside our office.

“For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.”

- 1 Timothy 2:5

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